Lino Printing: How do I make my black and white botanical lino prints?

Prickly Pear Black and White Botanical Lino Print 1.jpg

Usually when I create my botanical lino prints I will use the reduction method which is a way of creating multiple layers and colours using just one piece of lino. However over the past few years I have began to go back to doing black and white lino prints as well.

Black and white lino prints can be more dramatic and bold in appearance and have a modern graphic edge to them and make a lovely addition to any contemporary setting. So how do I make them?

How do I start?

As with all my lino prints I usually begin with drawing out a sketch or just sketch directly on to the lino with pencil. Once I am happy with the drawing I will go over it with a permanent marker.

I always use grey lino over any other type. It is made from linseed oil, cork and sometimes wood dust, with a hessian backing. This is compacted down under heavy weight to make the lino.

Because the lino I use is grey I often find it hard to see where I have cut so I like to stain it first with a watered down acrylic paint.

Then I get cutting.

The Final Result

Once I have finished cutting out my design I will do a test or proof print onto cheap newsprint or paper to see if I have missed any bits or if more needs to cut away.

When I am happy I will then print on to proper printing papers. I often use Zerkall 100gsm which is a lovely smooth white paper that makes the black ink really pop.

Watch The Video

Watch this time lapsed video of how I made this black and white botanical lino print of a Prickly Pear Cactus

And Finally ….

If you liked seeing how my black and white lino prints are made then you may be interested in finding out how my colourful botanical lino prints are made too by reading Lino Printing Tips: How do I make my colourful botanical lino prints?

And if you would like to see all of my black and white lino prints that I have available to buy please head over to Shop Black and White Lino Prints

And if you would like to see all of my colourful botanical lino prints that I have available to buy please head over to Shop Lino Prints


I buy all my lino from

I buy my printing papers from